Saturday, January 8, 2011

One Year Blogaversary!

Celebrate with me! Raise a glass (cup/mug) of bubbly (coffee/tea/soda) and clink it with mine in a toast to my first year of experimentation in creative writing. I have enjoyed this time greatly and plan to continue through the next year learning, struggling and growing through your amazing and enlightening comments and posts. Thank you for your interest in my writing and for your encouragement.


  1. Hear! Hear! I am raising my glass (cheap chardonnay mixed with seltzer) in your honor. It's been/being fun blogging together.

    Here's to many more years worth!

  2. I'd like to make a toast to your VERY successful first year of blogging. Time goes so fast when we're having fun!!

    I've enjoyed all that you've shared and I'm looking forward to much, much more.

    There's so much to learn, to gain, to experience and share on a blog. I had no idea of what I was in for when I started mine. I'm sure you've been surprised as well.

    Happy Blogaversary!

  3. Thank you ladies! I appreciate you kind words (#^.^#) and feel very luck to have met you.

  4. As Shaddy says, you have made a great success of it. Congrats! \(^o^)/

  5. Jeeze, I am really behind on my comments. Sorry!
    Congrats on your one year. I haven't had anytime for blogging. I'm trying to stay focused on my writing.

  6. Good to hear from you! I've just finished Browne and King's self editing book. It started out slow for me, but as I kept reading, it made perfect sense and I enjoyed it. I went back and reread your post, printed it and made additional notes on it. It is sitting on my desk as I cautiously begin this process.
