Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'll follow you anywhere!

This is the view I had from my car as I followed Cris to the Rod Run in Seaside, Oregon and Long Beach, Washington this past weekend. Luckily, it was decent weather so he could go "topless" in his 1931 Ford Roadster (the car, that is). He did complain that if he accelerated over 45 mph, his hat would push lower on his head, displacing his sunglasses. But that didn't stop him for long--he just took off the hat!

In Seaside, the main streets in town and the parking lot of the convention center were blocked off for the the amazing cars displayed there. Here are a few that caught our attention:

 We motored up to the Long Beach, Washington Rod Run site on Saturday in the '31 Ford and walked through the maze of cars on display there also.

It was fun catching up with old friends and getting to know new ones. Car people always have lots to talk about! The weather cooperated too. Some fog in the morning, sunshine all afternoon, and gorgeous sunsets. A great trip to the Oregon/Washington coast!