Saturday, April 17, 2010

Poetic Asides Poem A Day Challenge

My 16 year old Grandson James and I participated each day last week in the Poetic Asides poetry challenge.  I picked our favorite entries to post.
Prompt: Pocahontas

Pocahontas (by James, age 16)

Just walking around on a fine autumn day

It was cloudy, casting a slivery sheen over the bay

She was running with the deer again

I think she prefers animals, not friends

Her graceful form, almost flying across the land

The wind flowing with her, as if giving her a hand

The deer close behind her

They ran into the woods

Running as fast as they possibly could

For nothing could stop them

Not the rain far behind

Nor the wind in her hair

And all I could do was stop, look, and stare.

Prompt:  Tool

Needle and Thread (by Parrot, older)

It’s really so very easy, she said

Just start with the prettiest color of thread

Then fill the bobbin all the way to full

And set it in the bottom well to pull.

Up through the needle from below

With thread from the top it will flow

Joining all together at the seam

The two thicknesses of fabric in between.

Turn one dial to this, the other just past

Push down on the pedal, oh no, not so fast.

She takes over and guides it all just so

I watch as she makes even stitches flow.

What seems such a simple task to so many

Is to me, a nightmare and just about any

Excuse I can possibly think of to use

I will do to avoid taking its abuse.

I thank her, then put it away with care

And know in my closet, it will remain there.

Just give me a hand-held needle and thread

Because this tool serves me much better instead.


  1. You both did a fine job with your prompts. It's delightful to know your grandson enjoys writing. You must have an awesome bond.

  2. He tends to write "darkly", so I was happy that he chose the Pocahontas picture instead of the witches one to write about!

  3. How neat that you and your grandson did this together!

  4. James' poem is lovely! Beautiful imagery!! He definitely should keep writing.

    Yours is fun and adorable. I really loved it as a poem, but it could've even been a story. Very cute!

  5. Thanks Shaddy, Natasha and Lisa for your comments. James has been writing poetry for a couple of years, and I am trying to encourage it as a means to express his feelings. He usually writes in a more goethic style - but hey, he's 16.

  6. How awesome it must be to have a family member that shares your love for writing. You are creating a bond and memories that will never fade over time. James has natural talent and I agree with Lisa, he should continue to write.

  7. "For nothing could stop them
    Not the rain far behind
    Nor the wind in her hair
    And all I could do was stop, look, and stare."
    I love this! It must be nice to have such a close relationship with grandson.

  8. Thanks, he will appreciate your kind words! He really took to this challenge!
